Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Short Lists

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Don't ya love those 3 dayers! *Thank you Presidents* Well, over my weekend, I have realized a few things and I'm going to share them with ya! 

 Things I think about! Well, the short list!
  • BEING SICK IS NO FUN!!! I was not seriously sick thank the Lord but, my tummy was yucky enough that nothing got done. All the things that I talked about in my last post all went to the wayside. But my passion did NOT! I am happy to say that today since I feel better, I caught up! Instead of looking at the mess and getting discouraged, I conquered it and now my house is beautiful again.
  • It is much easier to clean a house that is maintained on a daily basis. It really is no different then any other day. This makes me happy! 
  • Nobody is reading this.(Insert frowny face here) And though I realize the fact, my thinking is that eventually maybe someone will!? If not, it's a good place for me to vent. Not having Facebook and all those other "tell everyone my life story" apps, I need this place. Throughout the day I still want to grab my phone and post that little one liner that tells everyone exactly what is going on in Shaytown. Now I just write them down and keep them for the next blog! 
This really is a short list of the things I think about because there is not enough room on the internet for the entire list and it would bore you anyway. I'll just have to keep writing lots of short lists! Aren't you excited? All zero of you? I am!

Signing off so that bible study can get done and dinner finished! Until next time, Frugaly Yours!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Unplugged and lovin' it!

My oh my, how time flies when you're having fun! I can't believe that I haven't posted anything on here since 2012. OK, actually, I'm not surprised. I am willing to admit that I am a bit of a "Go-Getter" when things are brand new but then, the shiny goes away and I am on to the next "I know this will be the project I will follow through with" kind of project. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. In recently realizing this (accepting it really), I have taken a step back to listen. And to really do that, I had to UNPLUG!!!

Yep, you guessed it! I got rid of the extremely long list of things on my phone that were causing me to tune out the world that was just on the other side of my little 6" screen! No more Facebook cause "ten minutes" always turned into an hour! No more little farm games cause my laundry needs to be tended to more then my crops. No more flappin, snappin, vinin, nothin!! Crazy I know! I really thought that it was going to be a hard transition for me but to be honest, it hasn't been and I am so super happy!

So, awhile back I was on Pinterest, (which I DID NOT delete BTW because that would just be CRAZY!) and I was looking for a command center to do in my laundry room so that I could attempt to get everything in order. Well, I found this at getSNAZZY.com and used it as my inspiration. Now I have this!!

Isn't it beautiful! I put it together in a day! As you can see, the big frame on top is still empty......must have been flappin or farmin. Anyway, I used this for all of 2 days and then it just became a big pretty wall, that didn't get used.

Now getting to the point of why I brought this up. Since unplugging, I have been using the command center everyday! My house is clean constantly, my laundry is so caught up that I had no daily load to do today, and I still have so much time left over that I can sit down, write to you fine people AND sew, bake and play with my chitlins!

It truly has been an eye opening change. I was going to call it an experiment but those end and this isn't going to. I am making all these things a habit so that it feels weird to do it any other way. I deserve it, Brian deserves it, and most of all, my chitlins deserve it!

With all that being said, I guess the short of it is that I AM BACK! Hold me to it! Don't let me stop! Accountability is a great motivator! My next post will be how to make Homemade Pepperoni Rolls that are "Out of Bounds!" Until then, Frugaly Yours!